
Jerusalem- Holy Week

Jerusalem-Palm Sunday to Good Friday   1. Read Lesson 12 Jerusalem Manna and Mercy pages 52-57.  (Here's the Link to the lesson online in case you need it) 2. Discuss with your parent(s).           a) Name an important/fun/exciting/difficult week in your life.   Why was it significant to you?                    b) Name the events of Holy Week in order-- the best you can.  How would you describe why this                is an important week?  Discuss one of the events in as much detail as you can. Video Lesson Watch this video: (Here is the link in case the embedded video doesn't work) Discuss: 1.  Is it sometime hard for you to believe that suffering love is the most powerful force in th...

God's Surprise

  Intro 1. Read lesson 10- God's Surprise. Manna & Mercy pages 39-42. (Here's a link to the lesson online in case you need it) Link to "God's Surprise" pg 39-42 2. Discuss with your parent:  a) If you needed to be saved (like from a deep pit or being tied to railroad tracks) who do you want to have save you?  b)If you are struggling with real life problems (like trouble with friends, school or work issues, or society problems like racism) who do you want to have help you? 3. What would you expect "the savior of all people" to be like? You can think of physical attributes as well as personality, talents, etc. Video Lesson Watch this video: (Here is the link in case the embedded video doesn't work)   Discuss 1. Why do you think God chose to send someone as powerless as a baby as the savior? Do you think it worked to have the messiah be so powerless? 2. God became truly human through Jesus. What do you think would be har...

By the Waters of Babylon and Home Again

  By the Waters of Babylon and Home Again     -  Lessons 8 & 9 in Manna and Mercy December 16 for 9th Graders January 6  for 8th Graders Intro 1. Read Lessons 8 & 9-  By the Waters of Babylon and Home Again. Manna and Mercy pages 27-38. (Here's a link to the lesson online in case you need it) 2. Discuss with your parent:  What loss have you most deeply felt during this pandemic?  What other losses have you felt in your life?  How did they make you feel?  How did you express those feelings? (cry, get angry, complain to God, became very quiet, etc) 3. Discuss with your parent:  When have you experiences some kind of restoration or renewal? (new job, new relationship, move to a different area of the country, closer to God, prayer, worship, Holy Communion, etc) Video Lesson Watch this video:  (Here is the l...

We want a king!

  Intro 1. Read lesson 6- We want a king. Manna & Mercy pages 21-22. (Here's a link to the lesson online in case you need it) Link to We Want a King, pg 21-22 2. Discuss with your parent: What would be good qualities of a king or other leader? What would be bad qualities in a king? 3. Review- how does God want the chosen people to live? How is their way of living supposed to be different from everyone else’s? Video Lesson Watch this video: (Here is the link in case the embedded one doesn't work) Discuss 1. Why do you think the kings all ended up being really imperfect? 2. The Israelites prayed to God for a king. God listened, and they got a king.  Do you think this says anything about how God listens (or doesn't listen) to our prayer?  Why do you think God listened?  Do you have any questions about prayer that come up during your discussion? (Please note!- There is not one clear, easy answer to these questions! There are...
  Lesson: The Wilderness School-  Chapter 3 in Manna and Mercy This story is about God teaching the people about how to live in freedom.  They go to the “Wilderness School.” 1.     1.   Discuss  with your parent:  What are some of the most important things you have learned at school this year?   Parent: Discuss with your confirmation student who was a significant teacher for you—in or out of school. 2.       2.    Read pages 7-9 in your Manna and Mercy   (Here is the link to the pages, if you do not have your book at home with you.)   Video Lesson   (Here is the link in case the embedded one doesn't work) v=2lqR-MlslkU Discuss the following as a family:: 1. What did the people learn by gathering manna each day for their clan?  What experiences have taught you to depe...

Mentor Conversation Guide & Expectations

2020-2021 Mentor Conversation Guide & Expectations Requirements of mentor meetings each month: 1. Meet once a month for at least 15 minutes. 2. Have a live conversation (not texting). You can video chat, call on the phone, or meet in person. 3. Talk about something faith related during part of your conversation. 4. Students must fill out the following report after each meeting: Conversation Guide Please feel free to use this conversation guide during your meetings with your mentor/mentee. It is not required to use these questions, or to complete all the questions.  October 2020 Caring Conversations 1.   What job would you never want to have? Why? 2.   When do you feel judged?   Rituals and Traditions 1.   If you created a new way to honor God, what would you do? 2.   Something that I love about my church community is... 3.   What items do you own that symbolize your faith?   Service 1.   What might God ...

How Online Confirmation Lessons Will Work

 Friends in Christ, We are excited and nervous about this online learning journey together. We welcome your feedback- about what you enjoy and what is challenging. Each lesson will be housed here in this Blog. The blog will have a page for each lesson, including a video, discussion questions, and a link to the reporting form. We know that online learning will not take as long as our in person classes. The video lessons by the Pastors will be no more than 10-15 minutes. We anticipate you will need to spend about 30 minutes total for each online lesson session. Each lesson will be divided into sections. Intro  will help you get involved in the story of the day. The intro may have a discussion question, a Bible verse to read, or a section to read from the Manna and Mercy book. Video Lesson will be by the pastors. We will use the videos to teach about the lesson in a fun, engaging way.  Discussion Questions  will be on the blog page. Students are asked to answer the disc...

Lesson: Beginnings

Confirmation Lesson: Beginnings  Intro This story is about God creating the world! 1. Discuss with your parent: What are some things you remember or assume to be true about the creation story? 2. Read pages 1-3 in your Manna and Mercy  book. (Here is a link to the pages, if you do not have your book at home with you) Link to Manna & Mercy pg 1-3 Video Lesson Watch this video: (Here is the link in case the embedded one doesn't work) Discuss Answer the following questions as a family: 1. What is something you see in creation that is "Very Tov" (aka Very good)? 2. Name some things you see that are broken in the world. What are some ways people try to make themselves 'Big Deals'? 3. God decided not to use force to make people behave. God didn't want to follow the "Big deal/Little deal" pattern people were using. God wanted humans as partners, not groveling subjects. Is this different than how you have imagi...