Jerusalem- Holy Week
Jerusalem-Palm Sunday to Good Friday
1. Read Lesson 12 Jerusalem Manna and Mercy pages 52-57.
(Here's the Link to the lesson online in case you need it)
2. Discuss with your parent(s).
a) Name an important/fun/exciting/difficult week in your life. Why was it significant to you?
b) Name the events of Holy Week in order-- the best you can. How would you describe why this
is an important week? Discuss one of the events in as much detail as you can.
Video Lesson
Watch this video:
(Here is the link in case the embedded video doesn't work)
1. Is it sometime hard for you to believe that suffering love is the most powerful force in the universe?
What seems to be more powerful? Why?
2. Because the world does not recognize the power of suffering love, it often turns to other forms of power. Name other forms of power and why people "like" them.
3. We talked about 5 aspects of Holy Communion/Lord's Supper (Remember, anticipation, presence, forgiveness, thanksgiving). Which of these is most important/helpful to you? Why?
4. What is your favorite kind of bread?
5. What difference does it make in your life to know that Jesus' gave himself FOR YOU?
6. We talked about 4 ways to understand what God did on the cross (battlefield, window, gift, courtroom). Which is most helpful to you? Why?
7. Name the events of Holy Week in order- again. Act them out with a member of the family.
8. What do you most want to be freed FROM? (bullying, stress, pandemic, relationship dramas, anger, loneliness, etc.). What do you most want to be freed FOR? (sports, music, love, service, joy, forgiveness of another, etc)
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Please contact Pastor Nissa with any questions or concerns about this online lesson.
867-4721 (office) 763-237-4639 (cell- call or text)
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