We want a king!



1. Read lesson 6- We want a king. Manna & Mercy pages 21-22.

(Here's a link to the lesson online in case you need it)

Link to We Want a King, pg 21-22

2. Discuss with your parent: What would be good qualities of a king or other leader? What would be bad qualities in a king?

3. Review- how does God want the chosen people to live? How is their way of living supposed to be different from everyone else’s?

Video Lesson

Watch this video:

(Here is the link in case the embedded one doesn't work)



1. Why do you think the kings all ended up being really imperfect?

2. The Israelites prayed to God for a king. God listened, and they got a king. 

  • Do you think this says anything about how God listens (or doesn't listen) to our prayer? 
  • Why do you think God listened? 
  • Do you have any questions about prayer that come up during your discussion?

(Please note!- There is not one clear, easy answer to these questions! There aren't 'right' or 'wrong' answers. All we know for sure is God promises to listen. Pastor Mark and Pastor Nissa are happy to continue any conversations about prayer that come up here).

 3. Does it seem possible for God's people to live outside of that pyramid of big deals and little deals? What might that look like?

4. God works through government, even when government can end up with the pyramid of big deals and little deals. Name some ways that you see God at work through our government today, despite its imperfections.


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Please contact Pastor Nissa with any questions or concerns about this online lesson.


867-4721 (office); 763-237-4639 (cell- call or text)


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