Lesson: The Wilderness School- Chapter 3 in Manna and Mercy
This story is about God teaching the people about how to
live in freedom. They go to the
“Wilderness School.”
1. 1. Discuss with your parent: What are some of the most important things you have learned at school this year? Parent: Discuss with your confirmation student who was a significant teacher for you—in or out of school.
2. 2. Read pages 7-9 in your Manna and Mercy
(Here is the link to the pages, if you do not have your book at home with you.)
Video Lesson
(Here is the link in case the embedded one doesn't work)
Discuss the following as a family::
1. What did the people learn by gathering manna each day for their clan? What experiences have taught you to depend on
God and that God can be trusted? What do you think it means to say “It is hard
to pray for daily bread when you own the bakery”?
2.What did the people learn when they gathered more than
they need and it rotted and stank? Have
you had experiences when you have been able to share with someone who needed
what you had more than you needed? How
do you think you can decide the difference between what you need and what you
want? If the USA uses more energy than
any other country in the world, is that hoarding?
3. What did the people learn when they could not gather
manna on the 7th day? What is
the best way for you to rest? When in the week do you relax to experience the
wonder of friendship with others? With nature?
With God? What do you think it
means to say that worship is a “royal waste of time”? Does our culture/society honor and value time
for resting or does it see it as a waste of time?
4. On page 9, find
what God’s dream is.
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Please contact Pastor Mark with any questions or concerns
about this online lesson:
867-4721 or 923-1696
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